Chart Tracker: Transfer Live Forms Between Charts

  • Updated

When you readmit or transfer a patient chart using Chart Tracker, you automatically create a bridge between the patient's episodes of care. This bridge allows you to transfer forms from the previous chart to the patient's new chart (and any later linked episodes of care).

A few notes about live form transfer:

  • Only forms in Complete status can be transferred from the source chart.
  • Consents are transferred with the data and signatures in Complete (Signed) status.
  • Evaluations are transferred with the content of the original form and in Open status without signatures.
  • Only the most recently completed form of each type will transfer to the new chart (e.g., if you have four completed Nursing Assessment forms, only the most recently completed Nursing Assessment will transfer to the new chart, not all four). 
  • Legacy evaluations and treatment plan forms are not available for live forms transfer.
  • Charts that are Manually Merged will not have the ability to have forms transferred to them. The chart must be created via the Readmit or Transfer button.

Required Permissions

Access to transfer live forms depends on how the new patient chart was created: Readmit or Transfer.

  • Readmitted charts: Users with Super Admin, Records Admin, Admin, Patient Coordinator, or UR Internal roles can transfer live forms. Check out the User Roles Guide for more details.
  • Transferred charts: Super Admins, Records Admins, and users with the Manage Chart Transfer feature can complete live form transfers. 

Transferring Forms

Let's review how to transfer forms from a previous chart to the patient's new chart. 

  1. Use the Latest File drop-down to choose the source chart containing the forms you want to transfer. mceclip0.png
  2. From the patient's source chart, click Chart Tracker on the Information tab.mceclip1.png
  3. The Chart Tracker section lists all linked episodes of care that have the live transfer bridge established (meaning those charts were readmitted or transferred using Chart Tracker).
  4. Click on the + icon next to the chart you want to transfer the forms to.mceclip2.png
  5. This list contains any previously transferred forms.mceclip3.png
  6. Click Add Document. To see Add Documents button, you need to be in the source chart.
  7. From the Add Transfer Document window, select a completed Evaluation, a completed Consent, or a Chart Tracker Package.mceclip5.png
  8. Add Notes (optional) and click Copy to Destination Patient Chart.
  9. Once the document(s) are transferred, they will be listed in theDocument Transfer History section.mceclip6.png
  10. Both the Source and Destination Document titles are hyperlinks, so you can easily navigate from the Chart Tracker area to the document for further review.

Important: If any of the forms that were transferred from the previous chart to the new chart do not exist in the new location, the forms will be added to the Tx Hx tab. These forms will be uneditable. To prevent this, ensure that all forms that should transfer with the chart are present in both locations. You can review this information under Templates > Consents/Evaluations.

Important Note for CRM Users

If your organization is integrated with the CRM, any new patient records pushed from the CRM and accepted into the EMR will not allow live form transfer from any previous records the patient may have had in the EMR. Only charts readmitted/transferred through Chart Tracker have the ability to transfer forms. When the chart is transferred and readmitted from the CRM, this bridge for live forms is not established.

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