How Do I Allow My Doctor To Sign for All Orders and Not Only the Ones Assigned to Them?

  • Updated


A user at the facility with the Doctor role can either be set to sign only their assigned orders, or allowed to sign all orders. 


Kipu EMR, Role: Super Admins, Doctors 


A Super Admin or user with the Manage Users feature can set the Doctor's signing authority on their user profile. 

  1. Click on your initials and choose Manage Users.
  2. Search for the Doctor's profile and click Edit
  3. Under the Internal Roles section, change the drop-down selection under Doctor to fit your facility's needs. 
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Update to save. 
  5. Utilize the Physician Review tab on the Dashboard to review outstanding orders. Click here for more information on the Dashboard. 

Additional Information

Dashboard: Overview, Dashboard: Physician Review

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