Rounds Reports

  • Updated

The Rounds Reports category allows you to retrieve data on rounds. You can report on rounds, intervals, and observations. 

Important: Users cannot report on Rounds that were never started.

Template Data Included

Provides round details in real-time and includes the following information:

  • Status of round
  • Complete vs. incomplete intervals
  • Review signature status
  • Interval counts at the time the report was initiated

Provides interval details in real-time and includes the following information:

  • Each patient's interval statuses
  • The staff member who documented the interval
  • When the interval was documented
  • Whether the interval was documented within the interval time or after the fact

Provides observation details in real-time and includes the following information:

  • Information about each patient, including basic status, location, and any added options on the round template for vital signs, orthostatic vitals, glucose readings, or weight.

Creating a Rounds Report

Super Admins, Records Admins, and users with the Manage Reports feature can build the following report.

  1. Open the Reports tab and click New Report.
  2. Select Rounds for the report type.
  3. Enter your reporting parameters.
    1. Report Name
    2. Template: Select the desired template from the drop-down.
      1. Rounds: This template gives you information about the status of the round, how many intervals are incomplete vs. complete, and whether the round has been review signed. The report runs in real time so it will show the interval counts at the time the report was initiated.
      2. Intervals: This template provides details about each patient’s interval statuses. It will also tell you which staff member documented the interval and when. Lastly, it will indicate if the interval’s documentation occurred within the interval time or after the fact.

      3. Observations: This template gives you specific observation information about each patient including basic status and location as well as any added options on the round template for vital signs, orthostatic vitals, glucose readings, or weight.

    3. Sort Direction: Select Ascending or Descending for the report order.
    4. Date Range: Select a date range for this report. Start Date/End Date is only available when a Custom date range is selected.
    5. Criteria: Use this drop-down to determine which 
    6. Selection: Choose to include Patients with MR (admitted), Patients without MR (not admitted), or All Patients.
    7. Editable by: Choose whether the report will only be editable by you (owner) or all users with the correct permissions (all).
    8. Viewable by: Choose whether the report will only be viewable by you (owner) or all users with the correct permissions (all).
  4. Click Continue.
  5. You will be taken to the following page where you will not need to do anything except scroll to the bottom and click Run Report.
  6. Depending on the template you have selected, you will see one of the following results.
    • The Rounds results will appear as follows.
    • The Intervals results will appear as follows.
    • The Observations results will appear as follows.
  7. In addition to reviewing the report information, you can use the buttons on the right of the screen to update the date range, edit the report, export to XLSX or CSV file, or refresh the data.

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