Reports Overview

  • Updated

The Reports section allows you to create and view reports, gather information about different areas of your Kipu instance, and identify key data points. This article is focused on providing the appropriate permissions to users who need to view or create reports, how to create reports (in general), and report management (view/edit/delete). 



Report Types

There are several types of reports that you can create, each with a different data focus:

  • Operations reports provide statistical/aggregated data on facility business processes. This includes standard business operations like admissions, readmits, discharges, and length of stay. You can also report on occupancy and referrals from this section.
  • Financial reports provide data on Billable items and Insurance Authorizations.
  • Clinical reports allow you to pull a variety of details statistics on patients, evaluations, group sessions, attendance, and history.
  • Orders reports include Doctor's Orders and Med Log (MARs) reports.
  • Rounds reports include information on rounds, round intervals, and patient observations.
  • Queues reports include information on visit check-in/out times, processing, waiting, and total visit duration. This reporting category is only available for instances that have enabled the Queue functionality. This is often used by MAT facilities.
  • Phases reports are for MAT facilities and allow reporting on the patient phases and requirements. 

Reporting Permissions

Users with the Super Admin or Records Admin roles have full access to create, edit, download, and delete reports.

For users with other roles, you can assign one of the following features depending on the level of reporting access needed:

  • Manage Reports: Full access to create, edit, download, and delete reports.
  • View Reports: Ability to run reports, update their date range, and download reports previously created by other users. 

Manage Reports
and View Reports are conflicting features. You can only assign one to the user. Manage Reports fully includes View Reports permissions. In addition, both are included in Super/Records Admin roles, so you do not need to assign any of them to Super/Records Admin users.

Creating New Reports

Let's review how to create any of the available report types. 

  1. Open the Reports tab and click New Report. mceclip0__3_.png
  2. Select your report type: Operations, Financial, Clinical, Orders, Rounds, Queues, or Phases (MAT only).
  3. For any report type:dfsfs.png
    • Enter a Report Name: When considering what to name the report, keep in mind how the report name impacts its position on the Public or Private Reports tab lists.  The list of available reports is sorted in the following order: special symbols > numbers 0-9 > upper case letters A-Z > lower case letters a-z.
    • Select a Report Type (for Operations) or Template (for Clinical, Financial, Orders, Queues, and Phases).
    • Set a Date Range for the report. The Custom date range option requires Start and End dates.
    • Determine who can edit the report using the Editable by radio buttons.
      • All: The report can be edited by any user who has access to it.
      • Owner: The report can be edited by the report's creator or a Super Admin that has a direct URL to the report.
    • Identify who can view the report using the Viewable by radio buttons.
      • All: The report is available under Public Reports for all users who have access to Reports.
      • Owner: The report is available under Private Reports for the current user, or by using the direct URL.
  4. Once you've defined the report parameters, click Continue.
  5. Select the desired Data Fields using the available checkboxes. mceclip33.png
  6. Click Run Report
  7. Review your report results. From this page, you can edit or export the report. mceclip4er3r.png

View (or Run) and Export Reports

Let's review how to run a report that has already been created. This is how users with the View Reports feature can interact with reports. 

  1. Open the Reports tab and click on a report name. mceclip5d.png
  2. The report will automatically run and display the results.mceclip6343.png
  3. Update the Date Range for the report, if needed. mceclip7dfd.png
  4. Export the report to XLSX or CSV files to better analyze the data using complex sorting, filtering, and formulas. Note: When exporting a report to Excel, you may receive the following alert. This is a standard Excel security function. Because this report is coming from a trusted source (your EMR instance), click Yes.

Edit Existing Reports

To edit a report, click on the Edit icon. sdfsdf.png

  • You can modify the majority of the report information like name, date range, available data points, etc.
  • Note: We don't recommend updating the following information when editing an existing report:
  • After you have modified your report, you have an option to Update the report (save without running) or choose Run Report to receive updated results right away.dsdfssdf.png

Deleting Reports

You can delete any report by clicking the X next to the report's title in the Public or Private Report tab.sdfsdfsdffdwf.png

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