Admission Best Practice Workflows Overview

  • Updated

The Admissions stage involves several critical processes designed to assess and prepare a patient for treatment. These tasks are typically performed by an Intake Specialist, though depending on the facility’s size, they may also be carried out by nurses, techs, program directors, or other staff. During this stage, the patient is assessed for treatment suitability, insurance is verified, patient safety measures are initiated, and consent to treat is obtained. Collaboration with the Medical Director and/or Clinical Director is also essential for completing certain intake requirements, such as assigning a Care Team or continuing medications brought in by the patient. Typically, this process is completed within 24 hours, depending on the patient’s condition at admission.

Streamlining the admission process can make it more efficient and accurate, ensuring that all necessary steps are completed effectively, without placing undue burden on the patient.

Important: This process only describes the admission process for clients not using a CRM or integrated RCM platform.

Admission Best Practice Workflows Overview.png

There are ten main stages in the Admission Workflow:

  1. Prepare for Intake
  2. Greet the Patient
  3. Collect Chart Information
  4. Complete Intake Paperwork
  5. Perform Patient Safety Assessments & Checks
  6. Log Medications Brought Into the Facility and Active Orders
  7. Collect Initial Medical Specimens (UA/Blood)
  8. Log Cash and Collect Initial Payments
  9. Introduce and Assign Care Team to Patient
  10. Walkthrough Facility and Identify Safety Resources

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