Disabled Users

  • Updated

When an EMR user is no longer part of your organization or doesn't need access to the Kipu EMR anymore, please disable their user profile to prevent the user from logging into the system. 

Disabling Users

  1. Click on your initials and select Manage Users.
  2. From the Active Users tab, locate the user profile. mceclip1.png
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Check the Disable User? box at the end of the page. mceclip3.png
  5. Consider adding a note as to why the user was disabled and include a date (e.g., Employee was terminated 10/30/22).
  6. Click Update. 


Re-Enabling Disabled Users

Disabled users can be re-enabled from the Disabled Users tab.

  1. Click on your initials and choose Manage Users.
  2. Select Disabled Users.mceclip0.png
  3. From the Disabled Users tab, you can search for disabled users by name, phone number, and e-mail.
  4. Disabled Users are listed alphabetically by last name.
    • To see all disabled users, click All.
    • To see users listed by name, click the letter of their first or last name.
  5. To re-enable a user, locate their profile and click Edit. mceclip2.png
  6. Scroll to the end of the screen and uncheck Disable User?mceclip1.png
  7. Then, click Update.

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