Upgraded Login Process: Super Admin Guide

  • Updated

Kipu is improving the EMR login process, streamlining the login and user creation workflows. We will be gradually rolling out this upgraded process in segments to minimize disruption. During this period, we highly recommend reviewing your Active Users list for updated and valid email addresses.

What's changing?

  • All users must have a valid email address added to their profile.
  • The username field is going away. All users will now log in with a valid email address. 
  • Users must verify their email address through an email invite to access specific parts of the application. 
  • No more temporary passwords! When creating new users, an email invite will be sent to the user directing them to the correct instance URL and allowing them to set their own password. 
  • Users with access to multiple instances can use the same email address and password to access each instance URL. 

Active Users List

Review your Active Users list and ensure that each user has an email address added to their profile. This is a great opportunity to ensure your staff are using the correct email address and make updates as needed.

We recommend using the Export Active Users list button to ensure each user has a valid email associated with their account. 

User Verification Process

Once the new login process has been deployed to your EMR instance, each EMR user will be prompted to verify their account and log in using their email address. Click here for full instructions on the verification process. You can monitor each user's verification status, as needed.

Monitor Verification Status

The Active Users tab (click on your initials and choose Manage Users) contains a Status column. Each user will have one of the following statuses. 

  • Active: The user has successfully verified their account and no further action is needed.
  • Needs Verification: The verification email hasn’t been sent to the user or it has expired. Click the Invite button to resend.mceclip0.png
  • Pending: The user has an active email invitation waiting in their inbox. 

New User Creation Process

The new user creation process has never been easier! With the improved login workflow, you’ll no longer need to set a temporary password or email the user your instance URL. Click here for instructions. 

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